Water Service Agreement Form

    New OwnerNew Tenant

    As an applicant for service I acknowledge and accept the following responsibilities:

    • There is a $50.00 water deposit that will be paid at the time the account is set up. We accept check, cash, money orders and credit card payments.
    • The meter and turnoff valve are the property of the city and tampering with either item is prohibited by law.
    • All pipes, valves and connections from the owners side of the meter to the business or dwelling is the sole responsibility of the property owner.
    • All water bills are due the 15th of every other month. A late charge is applied to accounts paid after the 15th.
    • If it is necessary for a city employee to shut off water at the business or dwelling the following charge applies: SHUT OFF $25.00.
    • There is a charge of $20.00 for returned checks.